Level Up Or Cut!
I call it juggling,
Some call it balancing and choosing
The - this month or next month - decision I’m sure we have all been faced with this.
We have some things we want to do
Extra Bills, Insurance payments
Groceries in bulk, gym membership, clothes to buy, more supplies, RRSP
The “serious things”
And then the things society wants to tell you aren’t important…
Nails, Lashes, Massages, that girl’s night out for drinks
The Staycation, The Handbag, or new pair of shoes, The splurge on dinner
When you have to make the choice,
What do you do? - What’s your first thought?????
Most persons I know start cutting - Rationalizing
And letting the society guide their choice
But let’s be clear here I’m not talking about that choice of a handbag over the light bill!
I mean where you want to aspire to a new stage
Finer things, Better experiences
You want to level up just being more comfortable
Not counting when at the checkout, Truly covering all the bills every month
But your current income doesn’t match
Why do we cut and say we can’t
Or not now
We delay maybe some other time
We choose one for now and others for never & it becomes some distant target in the future
Long lost items on the to do list
Change that, Let’s level up!
Stop settling and waiting and not working toward the next level
You want nice things??
Start working to lifestyle you deserve and work on what you want to manifest.
Of course in the interim you have to make those choices But that doesn’t have to be a permanent disposition
Start the thought process What is life to look like?
If you then think of change, Then start to make the change!