The Currency of Time

We have 86400 seconds in a day ⏳

Can you accurately account for each one?

Be absolutely certain you spent your currency of life on what you truly wanted to do?

Time passes and often we don’t take note unless we are actively noting the time to see how much time flies by

But on the opposite side we also don’t realize how much time we do have. 🧐

The last two years within the pandemic made most feel like they were robbed of time 

Time to travel..

To socialize and party…

But ever thought of the time gained? 

Especially gained with yourself.

But lots of people run from themselves

The alone time becomes deafening 

But that’s for another blog at another time 🏃‍♀️💨

Already we are at at the beginning of the fifth month of the year

And with time being the currency of life 

How do you spend your $ now, when we are uncertain of the next month. 

What do I mean???

Two years ago your ability to leave home, was always on your own terms

We made the plans well in advance, even though the certainty of life was always a question then, but we made plans confidently 

Now there is that struggle 

Do I make plans and set them in motion in advance

Or do we wait and see? 

Are the cases down? 

Can you travel freely? 

What’s the risk and how big of a gathering do you want to endure? 

Or do you not care and let the chips fall as the may? 

We spend lots of time - currency - planning other things with other people

But what about the plans for yourself

When do you read the new book? 

Do your self care? 

Take a minute to breath? 

The new venture, skill or course to take

Look for the new house or land

Do you never have the time??????

Ok let’s take a minute 

Right now!

You are already take a few to read the blog

What’s another minute?

Set your timer close your eyes and breath……

I‘ll wait







Tell yourself how did that feel…

Daily we spend our currency of time on lots of things

Some uncontrollable 

Kids, traffic, eating, work, bath, getting dressed 

But what about the time we can control? 

Social media scrolling 

What’s app chats and meaningless conversations

Netflix binging

Tik tok scrolling 

And the emotional things 

Fretting, arguing, complaining

Not saying the entire time is meaningless

But how much of the currency is really needed for those things you can control. 

Does how you spend your currency = to the life you are looking to live/achieve?

In each blog I tend to ask lots of questions 

As this has to be personal to you

What does the currency of time look like for you

& are you happy? 

The currency of life is TIME ⏳

86400 seconds 

Every day

Your bank account will end at 0

No saving, no roll over 

It HAS to be spent, how are you spending yours?


New Year, New Me?!?!